Friday, November 13, 2009

The Evening Of Friday The 13th In Texas & Scary Phones

Til a few minutes ago I was oblivious to the fact that today is Friday the 13th.

I have not made note of having any worse luck than usual today. I am currently hearing screaming in the distance. About an hour ago I commented that I thought hearing screaming might indicate that Six Flags is open. I am almost certain the screaming I'm hearing has nothing to do with Friday the 13th. Or Six Flags.

In sort of a Friday the 13th bad luck type thing, today I got a new cell phone in the mail. It was supposed to arrive ready to go. As in SIM card installed.

Instead, I eventually figured out that the SIM card was this little thing attached to a credit card looking thing. The instructions said to be very careful with the SIM card. But it had to be broken free of the credit card looking thing.

Eventually I got the SIM card free and stuck in its slot and the phone turned on without saying there was no SIM card installed. But, when I call my number my old phone rings.

This new phone has a USB connection, I assume to take photos off the phone and put them on the computer. Maybe I'll figure that out if I can figure out how to make the new phone ring when my number is called. I got this new phone for free. You get what you pay for.

1 comment:

  1. Next time, just get an iPhone! As you say, you get what you pay for...
