Friday, November 13, 2009

I Gave A Dime To The Salvation Army Bell Ringer Today In Fort Worth

That is a Salvation Army Bell Ringer at the Eastchase Wal-Mart Supercenter in east Fort Worth, today at noon. About 5 days ago I started seeing the Salvation Army Bell Ringers in front of various Wal-Marts.

I'm probably remembering wrong, but this seems like way too early a start to the whole Christmas thing. Christmas music was playing inside Wal-Mart today. I found that totally unneccessary.

Yes, I admit to being a bit of a Scrooge. I've never much enjoyed the period of time known as "The Holidays." I am always a bit relieved when it's all over for another year.

I asked the Wal-Mart Salvation Bell Ringer if I could take her picture if I put money in her bucket. She said yes, so I dropped a dime. I'm a real big spender when it comes to Christmas.


  1. A nickel would have made more clatter in the kettle...

  2. Steve A---
    I did not have a nickel. Only a dime and a quarter. The quarter would have made more clatter, but that's a lotta money to throw in a bucket.

  3. CT2---
    I did not know about yet another movie about me. Who plays me this time? Brad Pitt again?

  4. No, no darlin' not Brad this time, a more handsome devil...

  5. So its true, you are the Grinch that stole Christmas. On the serious side I understand what you mean, but for retail purposes you have to start early. Then again, do you ever find yourself wondering where does time go? I know I do, since I got more white hair than I care about and the biggest wake up call is when you noticed you have blanket marks in your face three hours after getting out of bed. So...why not, MERRY CHRISTMAS.

  6. What's wrong with emphasizing merry? I say people from different religions should merry as early as possible in the "Holiday" period cuz religious sects make people merry and the more religious sects the merrier. I'll discuss gay sects another time, but will simply say that this make people happy, too (or gay, if you're into old-timy words). Your very gay merry friend--BillyHill. Sorry, ladies!!
