Monday, October 12, 2009

Happy Columbus Day From Texas Where I Have Been Hacked Again

That is the dreary dewy cold Columbus Day morning view from Miss Puerto Rico's balcony.

Day 5. Or is it 6? Of gray skies, cold temperatures and wet stuff dropping.

I'm in an even more foul mood than usual this morning. This morning I found that every one of the 100s of pages on my Eyes on Texas website has had code added.

In other words I have been hacked again. This time is different. Rather than just a few pages, it is every single one. And this time the hacked in code does not try to load anything, near as I can tell. It just appears to be an awful lot of gibberish script.

I'll copy the code below in the oft chance any of your HTML wizards out there can tell me what this code is all about.

Well, I guess I won't copy the hacking code. The blogging program doesn't allow it. I have a really good feeling this is going to be a really bad day.


  1. Could you change hosting companies? Seems like this one has some problems.

    From David in Aurora, CO.

  2. Well, they are supposedly fixing it again. But, yeah, I agree, time to move. It's just such a pain to do so. But worse pain than this hacking thing? I don't think so.

  3. Billy Hill: just wondering if the hacking has anything to do with all your blogging and cataloguing the deeds by our fascist gub'mint and their fraccing friends. No doubt, you done hacked off many in the power and profit arena. Shirley, they wouldn't be monitoring your blogs and sending creepy e-mails (and maybe hacking your sites)--would they??

  4. Billy---I have wondered the same thing.
