Monday, October 12, 2009

Fort Worth Propaganda Comments From Hillybilly Billy Hill

I got a great comment this morning regarding Saturday's blogging about gas driller's pipeline mess and propaganda signs I found while walking around Gateway Park.

The comment came from Billy Hill, who claims to be a Hillbilly. What Billy has to say about the signs I took pictures of on Saturday matched what I was thinking, but did not verbalize.

I'll copy Billy Hill's comment below for your reading enjoyment....

Did you notice if they included locations of all them gas wells poking holes all over the park? All that fraccing need a lot of freaking water, the cheaper (or free)the more profit.

Would people want their families to roam around that landmine and breath the air contaminated by all those wells?

I sure hope our beloved city (all those banners reminds me of Hitler's Germany and North Korea, which is in contrast to the hand made signs by citizens during the 9-12 and other rallies/parades) will take great care when doing the work to expand the park cuz there are big ole pipelines carrying gas (and maybe the toxic waste water to the "injection well" just a couple miles away at the former ARC park on E. 1st and Oakland, right west of Quanah Parker Park) crisscrossing that whole park.

Can you imagine another big firework show in that park with all those wells and their "escaping" gas? I hope they don't have a firetorch parade and rally to hear speeches by our dear leaders like those b%w film footage from the 1930's. Maybe our dear leaders will mark off a little fenced in area for people and their kids to run and play that has no pipelines right under their feet a-la Ft. Woof park for our precious four-legged pets/"kids", but I doubt there's enough such space available now.

Isn't there a big ol' former sewage/water treatment plant there (big humps near the softball fields)?

Keep taking pictures and reporting because no one will believe the danger and mess in that park after the million$$ are spent to "decorate" the park that I betcha will be declared "the envy" of the world (as hinted by the beautiful propaganda mini billboards in your picture.

General Eisenhower is reported to have made the painful decision to order as much filming of the holocaust camps and the victims because he wisely reasoned that "people are not going to believe this" without pictures and film (even then some geniuses still deny the crime today).

This hillbilly thanks you for telling it like you see it.

Billy Hill


  1. Billy Hill: I'm impressed with your abilities Mr. Durango. How did you get aholt of my senior picture? Those two last years in 8th grade were the best years of my life. Mammaw's gonna cry a river when she sees her boy's picture on she calls "them there internets."

  2. It was fairly easy to find your likeness.
