Sunday, October 11, 2009

Frigid Texas Temperatures With Geese Flying South While I Swim Under Them

I don't think the temperatures, here in my zone of North Texas, climbed out of the 50s yesterday. We are coming up on 3 in the afternoon and 57 degrees. It looks like we aren't going to warm up today either.

I'm liking it. Sort of.

When I went swimming this morning it was 52 and drizzling with the most dense drizzle I've ever been in. I thought I might be chilled into bailing on the swimming, but quickly found it was totally doable.

Another thing happened, when I was in the pool, that was the most of something I'd ever seen.

Over head a massive formation of geese flying south spanned the horizon. As all the birds kept progressing south from me, I kept expecting to see either the left or the right end of the formation. When I'm in the pool I am surrounded by trees, but I still have a fairly wide sky view. That formation of geese, forming several "V"s must have been at least a mile long. Who knows, maybe it was several miles. I'll never know.

It sure was one of those occasions that are the reason 99% of the time I have my camera with me. But, not at the pool this morning. I would not have been able to be quick enough, even if I did have the camera with me, I think.

So, that's pretty much my exciting Sunday in this hell I am living in Texas. I keep telling myself tomorrow will be a better day, but it rarely seems to be. Maybe tomorrow will be an exception.

I love it when I hit the check spelling button and I get told no misspellings have been found, which is what just happened. Such news didn't cheer me up all that much though.

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