Saturday, August 8, 2009

A Wind Chills Texas A Little & Big Fish In A Big Tank

In the picture you are standing on the best place to stand in this locale, looking west at the stunning skyline of beautiful downtown Fort Worth.

It was barely 90 when I took off out of here to go hike around the Tandy Hills for awhile. A good wind was blowing, so the wind chill factor made for a very comfortable temperature. Which is rare this time of year in these parts.

Earlier today a picture of Snoqualmie Falls had me missing Washington. This afternoon I saw a couple good videos of the Falls, so I added them to the earlier blogging.

When I came in here after lunch and checked email, there was one from Miss C showing one of the world's biggest aquarium tanks. It's located on Okinawa. Some say it's the biggest, others the 2nd biggest. It looked plenty big to me. But what I got out of it was I miss saltwater and the creatures that live there.

There is saltwater where I'm living right now, but it's not natural. It's this toxic saltwater brine, oozing with dangerous chemicals, that the Barnett Shale gas drillers inject into the thousands of holes they've poked in the ground here. Somehow the toxic brine cracks, well, the Texas-speak for this is fracks, the hard shale, shattering it, somehow releasing natural gas.

Besides introducing a lot of toxic saltwater into holes in the ground, those holes have been causing another thing rare in these parts. Earthquakes. I've not felt one. They are rather puny earthquakes.

Below is the YouTube video Miss C sent me. This is one cool looking aquarium.

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