Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sunday In Texas With Chinatown & Cicadas

Another Sunny Sunday in Texas. With me falling deeper into that rut I must like falling in to.

That rut included the usual morning swim, though this morning's was longer than the norm, so that was slightly out of the same old rut.

I'm going to Arlington's Chinatown today. This is another thing I seem to do over and over again. On the way to Chinatown it is pretty predictable that I will go to Veterans Park and walk around for awhile.

I'm going to look for some cicada corpses at Veterans Park. Ever since I watched a video about cicadas I've wondered why I've seen no corpses. I thought the cicadas were done mating for the year because I've not been serenaded by them of late while in the pool. But yesterday the cicadas were in full cacophony mode at the Tandy Hills.

Since I'm going to Chinatown today, part of that rut is I go to the Wal-Mart across the street from the new Dallas Cowboys stadium. The last time I did that I had myself all sorts of traffic woes that had me heading towards Dallas when I wanted to go the opposite direction. I hope I remember not to make that same mistake today.

1 comment:

  1. If you hear a lot of Cicadas at Tandy Hills and you want to see a corpse and by corpse you refer to the shell from which they've emerged you should look up along tree trunks and even on the sides of houses and such and eventually you should see one. As for post emergence cicadas, that might be a little trickier. I've seen just one but I haven't really been looking. If you do happen to see one it's likely nature is recycling it's remains. By that I mean it's probably been located by the ants and they're doing their level best to tuck it down to the colony. It's fat times for the ant world.
