Friday, August 7, 2009

Is Only Child Syndrome A Terrible Disease?

I've heard from another Only Child. This ones name is Drew. Drew is doing research into Only Child Syndrome. I think I've mentioned before that I've managed to become, inadvertently, one of the world's experts on this subject.

Drew seemed quite upset at what some people had to say about the syndrome. And just like other Only Children who have commented, Drew demonstrates the syndrome right in his comment.

Here is the Internet's Urban Dictionary's definition...

Only Child Syndrome

A terrible disease that typically effects only-children, but can occasionally strike people with siblings. It may also effect children whose parents divorce.

Symptoms include: playing mind games with members of the opposite sex, a crippling desire for instant gratification, the inability to compromise or share, and a total disregard for anyone's thoughts or feelings but their own.

Below is Drew's comment about one of the bloggings about Only Child Syndrome...

ok im doing research on overcoming part of my only child syndrome...sure we have issues....some of us more than others.....but everyone else has issues as trying to make myself a better person and understand why i do some of the things i be honest, i am taken aback by the amount of bias and criticism some of the people here have to say..... to make a statement saying that people who have noticed the symptoms of being an only child are angry and not articulate is silly, dont you think? ....this world has no absolute truths.....honestly that may be one of the most ridiculous stereotypes ive ever heard....nobody is perfect.....everyone has their issues......not every only child is like that....


  1. I can only assume that Drew very cleverly wrote that in such a way that he or she subtly disproved every argument they were trying to make with every sentence they wrote.

    It's either a work of art in subtle humor or a sad example for only children everywhere.

  2. When one of the Only Children have one of their fits, I never understand what they are saying.

  3. It has been my experience if a person tends to have problematic personality, many times, they're also an only child.
