Friday, August 7, 2009

Hug Aversion Therapy

I get so tired of so many people thinking I need to be cured of my hug aversion. I don't think it is an ailment in need of a cure. Miss C sent me a YouTube video this morning about a guy on the opposite side of the hugging spectrum from me. I found it amusing. And a bit disturbing. Hugging so many strangers. That is way too much contact with way too many potential germs.


  1. I've heard that getting at least one hug a day lowers your blood pressure, but...considering if a person (please pay special attention to the fact that I didn't name anyone in particular) has Aphenphosmphobia...then the hugs may have the opposite effect.

    Come to think of it...I've been missing out on hugs. Received a hug from my Grandma Ann a few weeks ago and another hug from a friend back in April...where exactly is this hugging man in the video?

  2. I dunno what city that guy was doing all that hugging in. There was a lot of water. I don't think it was New York City. I know it wasn't Seattle. I'm thinking it was maybe Chicago. Maybe Vancouver.
