Thursday, June 11, 2009

Texas Thunder Booming All Night & Insomnia

It's been a loud, rough night here in my Fort Worth zone of Texas.

I must have misunderstood the chattering TV weather guys. I thought I heard that yesterday's storm that rolled in to my location about 6, moved on east and was done, once it moved past ones location. I heard nothing about more incoming.

The worst of it did pass quickly, maybe an hour of heavy wind and rain and thunder. But, then a few hours later it started up again, not so much with the wind, but heavy rain and thunderstorming.

I didn't even try to go to bed til after midnight. Partly due to uploading a video of the storm to YouTube, which had some complications that took longer than normal. If I remember right it was almost quiet when I finally went to bed.

And then at some point after that the storming started up again, with everything but the wind worse than the first storm, I had 2 direct lightning hits. You know, where you see the lightning and hear the boom at the same time, with the boom hitting with a concussive force, like a bomb.

Which makes it really hard to try to get to sleep when you are in what amounts to a bomb shelter.

A tornado was confirmed to have touched down in Plano. Daylight needs to arrive before damage can be assessed. Thousands of people are without power. I am not one of them.

More storms are predicted for today. Right now it appears to be the calm before the next storm.

Well, ignore the previous sentence. I'd barely put the period on it when I saw a flash and a quick boom. It's starting up again. And another flash and boom followed that period.

I love this time of year in Texas.


  1. I can't see any reports of an actual touch down in Plano. Our Pear tree, however, did bite the dust... or more accurately, the lawn and violets. Hope you got some sleep. I'll be taking photos soon and posting after my am meetings.

  2. This morning's Star-Telegram said there'd been a touch down in Plano, that the damage would be assessed when the sun came up. Would not be the first time I read something erroneous in the Star-Telegram.
