Thursday, June 11, 2009

Rosa Discovers Reason Fort Worth's Santa Fe Rail Market Failed.

One of the real interesting aspects of getting comments to my blogs or my Eyes on Texas website is the extreme range in the quality of the thinking that goes in to making the comments.

Some are so inarticulate I can't fathom where they get the idea that they want to be expressing themselves. Some get themselves so upset, with no understanding that there can be all sorts of points of view on any given subject. Or that, maybe, they are having a comprehension problem.

The most amusing, of the worst of the comments, is the commenter will use insults to buttress their, well, non-existing argument. Because the low end of the spectrum commenters seem to be a bit on the dim side, I always think they must often be told the same type vitriol they are directing at whatever web thing they are upset about.

Like this morning I got a classic that should make all thinking Texans freshly concerned about the state of education in this fine state. The commenter is named Rosa. Apparently Rosa came upon the webpage I made regarding Fort Worth's long defunct Santa Fe Rail Market or as Rosa called it "Dante fe put mix market."

Rosa seems to think that me accurately describing Fort Worth's lame, little, overly hyped and falsely advertised attempt to have a public market modeled after Seattle's Pike Place Market, is what caused its demise.

Yeah, I'm sure me accurately describing that boondoggle caused its demise. The demise had nothing to do with the fact that there was no there there. That when locals visited they shook their heads and walked away, disgusted at the disconnect between how Fort Worth's propaganda mouthpiece, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, had irresponsibly misrepresented that travesty, and the reality they experienced when going to the time and bother of visiting the travesty.

Below is Rosa's comment about my disgraceful, tacky website and my moronic, idiotic thoughts. See if you can count how many spelling and grammar errors Rosa makes. I gave up, it was hurting my head, likely due to sleep deprivation...

What a disgraceful tacky website. I take it that you are not a happy fort worth person.your an idiot who cares if a town wants to say they are the best at sow Thing(yea it may not be true)but that where pride of The city comes from moron negativity also breaks things down like say Dante fe put mix market being constintley compare to pike but you obviously took point after point to tear it down no wonder it really never took off.I lived in tacoma for 2 years and visited Seattle on several occasions. I still missed my hometown one thing snobby liberal Seattle can't say they have is nice sweet people like fort worth does.


  1. You should be ashamed of yourself for bringing about the ruin of the Dante fe put mix market. What were you thinking?

  2. Amazing. Does no one use spell check?
    Why would you even post a name on a comment like that?

  3. My favorite part of it is Rosa saying I'm an idiotic moron and while doing so, she comes across as an idiotic moron. That's just funny, in a sad sorta way.

  4. Being a high school English teacher, I couldn't pass up your challenge...I can definitely say that she wouldn't have passed the Exit Level TAKS test or the written part of the GED essay. Maybe English isn't her native language or because of her outrage she just typed furiously with lots of emotion, failing to double check anything. Normally, when you're spewing such hostility we tend to forget fine tuning the writing. :)

    Since you're words are so powerful and they are the reason for the demise of the market...I'll be sure to have you endorse my next project. ...I'm almost positive it will be a huge success!

  5. I eagerly look forward to endorsing your project wholeheartedly, thus guaranteeing its success. Of course, I expect a small gratuity.

  6. Okay...I think you should add the Roy Orbison Festival to your must do events in Texas...The town has promised to build a monument of some sorts in honor of Roy soon as enough money is raised. Well, it's been 19 your price :)

  7. This is so bizarre you ask this. Just today I was looking at west Texas info for a page about Fort Davis. Then I looked up Wink and saw the mention made of Roy. Then I added Wink to my list and was gonna ask if you had any good Wink pics I could use.
