Wednesday, June 10, 2009

June 10, 2009 Texas Tornado Thunderstorm

It's coming up on 11. I can see I am going to have another night of insomnia. Though the worst of tonight's storm has been over for a couple hours, lightning continues to strike and thunder continues to roll.

I took video during the worst of the storm with my new Canon camera. Trying to get that video off the camera failed a couple times. I had to do a re-start of the computer to get it to work. And even then it took a long long time. When it was done I saw why. The video was over half a gigabyte big.

After I'd made the video into a movie it was just a bit over 42 megabytes. YouTube is processing the video right now. In the video you'll be watching the storm from my balcony window. In the background you'll hear the nonstop TV weather guy chatter on channel 5. You'll hear mention made of a tornado being spotted.


  1. Hope you're OK. I'll have to look up where Durango is!! We lost most of our Bradford Pear (Plano).

  2. I'm Okay. Durango is in East Fort Worth. Can't believe it's back storming again this morning. So dark out there I have to have lights on.
