Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Village Creek, Interlochen Canals & Turtles

We have not yet had enough dry days in a row to make my favorite mountain bike trail ready to ride. This meant that my biking energy today had to be spent an the trail closest to me, that being Village Creek Natural Historic Area.

I don't think I've mentioned it before, but the trail runs along the western edge of the Interlochen neighborhood. Interlochen is known for putting on over the top lighting displays at Christmas, drawing big crowds and causing traffic jams.

I believe the Interlochen Canals were made as some sort of land reclamation project that won national acclaim, in ancient times, long before I came to Texas. There is a historical type marker explaining the gestation of the Interlochen Canals, but my ever worse memory is not remembering the details right now. I'll try and remember to take a picture of the historical type marker the next time I'm there.

When I first saw the Interlochen Canals I thought it looked to be the coolest place to live that I'd seen in Texas. You can take your boat to visit the neighbors. Or walk. I don't know what is wrong with the water, if anything, but I've never seen anyone swimming. But, why swim in a canal when you have a pool?

It is semi-hot today, in the 80s. Which means the turtles that live in the Village Creek Pond were having themselves a good time sunning their hides on a log.

Usually they are a bit skittish as soon as they detect an intruder. But today they let me get out my camera and take several pictures.

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