Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tattered American Flag At Wal-Mart Again & Rush Limbaugh

What is it with Wal-Mart and the U.S. Flag? The flag at my neighborhood Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market was all tattered today.

Maybe that's the new style of the flag, sort of to better symbolize the current tattered state of the United States.

Earlier today I mentioned I woke up feeling agitated. When I was biking today I figured out why.

First off, I no longer am reading a daily paper. I had not thought about it, but I'm really getting a lot less news. One would think that would make me less agitated. But more often than not, what I read in the paper was just interesting, it didn't agitate me.

So, here's the problem. I've been reading more books. I think it may be my choice of what I read that gets my agitated. A couple days ago I finished The Zapruder Film: Reframing JFK's Assassination by David R. Wrone. I was already of the opinion that Lee Harvey was a patsy. This Zapruder Film book sealed the deal. That and actually seeing the Zapruder Film.

After the Zapruder Film book is when I really made a bad choice and started reading When Giants Fall: An Economic Roadmap for the End of the American Era by Michael J. Panzner. This is a very new book. The author details in excruciating detail how big the trouble is that America is supposedly in. The book is so recent it covers the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and AIG Bailouts. The guy predicted, accurately the next problems that cropped up.

By about page 80 I'd grown so tired of the doom and gloom naysaying that I decided to go back to my previous point of view, that being that America has weathered some rather tough times before and has always come out okay. The guy lost me when he went into all the future conflicts, as in wars, America will be facing, dealing with the new Superpowers of China, India and Brazil.

So, that guy had me agitated. And then there is Rush Limbaugh. Back when he was not on the opposition side of things, I found him pretty amusing most of the time. I don't often agree with him, but I enjoyed listening to him spew his bombastic, well-spoken version of reality.

And then Obama gets elected. That turned Limbaugh nasty. At times the rhetoric seems so inflammatory, to me, that it's almost like the man is inciting an insurrection.

It's so bad that I worry that Limbaugh may be poisoning the mind of some nutjob who decides to turn all John Wilkes Booth on us, demented into thinking he is saving America from a president who, Limbaugh says over and over again, is the most extremely radical leftist socialist ever to lead America. That and he repeatedly claims this or that thing Obama says or does is incompetent. And he repeatedly refers to Obama as Barry and the Messiah.

I can only take listening to Rush Limbaugh for about 15 minutes anymore til I tire of it.

1 comment:

  1. I'm of a mind that a person can be happier if they selectively choose not to be always up to date on current events. It may be a fatalistic view but what happens will happen and the truth is, there's very little you or I can do to change them (control being an illusion). So don't worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
