Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Durango Roadtripping & Swimming

This morning I was able to have my first early morning swim in two weeks. The temperature got down to 55 by the time dawn broke this morning. So, for the first time this year, the pool water was warmer, by far, than the air.

I finally found a name I didn't dislike for my new blog. The image I used was a picture taken on the road that leads to Monument Valley in Arizona, taken looking out the windshield of my van at the same scenery that was on the cover of the van's manual.

I've only been doing the new blog for a few days. Yesterday I was pleased to see that Google had indexed the blog. And this morning I was pleased, again, to see that someone came to the blog due to doing a Google search for "The Loneliest Road in America."

I do have something vexing me about my new blog that I don't understand. A couple days ago I burned a feed for both the new blog and my TV blog. Overnight both had subscribers, with the TV one having 12 and the new blog having 15. I can look at my FeedJit stats and see that I've not even had 15 visitors to the new blog, so how can there be 15 subscribers. That makes no sense. It perplexes me.

Speaking of perplexing, Gar the Texan has taken off for Italy again. I'm sure a lotta hilarity will ensue. If you didn't read about his Italian misadventures from a couple weeks ago, go here, and you'll find the links. The most amusing tale was the 5 hour train ride to Rome with a woman who would not shut up.

The early morning swimming has me feeling agitated. Maybe it's something else causing the agitation. I did have some exhausting nightmares last night due to being overstimulated by the season finale of 24. I'm fairly certain I did not sleepwalk last night. But I can never be sure about that.

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