Thursday, February 27, 2025

Nephew Jason Takes Us Back A Couple Centuries To His Great Great Grandparental Units Whatcom Abode

Nephew Jason told me he'd try and email me a couple more photos, last night, if he could muster the energy.

Apparently, energy mustering happened, because a couple photos arrived, which I've no recollection of previously seeing, but which prompted me to find related relative photos that I did know I had, located somewhere on this computer.

In the above photo, from Jason, we are looking at the homestead of my Great Grandparental Units, A.E. Sundean and wife, Hattie. Born 11/20/1876 and 8/19/1881, respectively. This homestead eventually grew into being a big farm, in Whatcom County, Washington, which still exists in 2025.

Great Grandma Hattie, I do not remember. Hattie may have died before I was born, or shortly thereafter. I do remember Great Grandpa A.E. Sundean, my Grandma Vera's dad, which made him my mom's Grandpa. I do not remember, or maybe never did, what the A.E. initials represent, name-wise.

(This morning, I learned, from Jason, that the A.E. initials, name-wise, are Andrew Edward, and that Great-Grandma Hattie died in 1954)

Jason's explanatory text regarding the above photo...

Here we must have the Sundean family prior to the arrival of the colorful Grandma Vera. The writing on the back of the picture indicates that the youngsters in the picture must be Vera's older brothers, Walter, Fred and Harold. Two of which you could possibly remember.  Harold apparently checked out months after your arrival.

The below photo of the "colorful" Grandma Vera was the second photo in Jason's last night email.
This young look at Grandma Vera looks a lot like my mom, as in the version of my mom from my early years. 

Like Jason indicated, Grandma Vera was colorful. And memorable. And fun. I have a lot of Grandma Vera items here in my Texas abode. Multiple Afghans crocheted by Grandma Vera. A pottery camel made and autographed by Grandma Vera.

Grandma Vera would give me something she'd made and remark something like she wanted me to have something to remember her by. 

It would greatly please Grandma Vera to know that, all these years later, in 2025, Grandma Vera is being made mention of, in multiple venues, such as on this newfangled thing she found so vexing when it arrived on the planet, in the previous century.

And that her eldest Great Grandchild, Jason, is remembering her fondly, via something called email, sending photos all the way from Washington to Texas.

And now, a couple related relative photos I found on my computer after getting Jason's email, last night.

That would be my aforementioned pretty mom, holding Jason's dad, my little brother Jake, with Grandma Vera holding me, next to Great Grandpa, A.E. Sundean.

And here we have another photo with Great Grandpa, A.E. Sundean, this time on the left, with mom still holding brother Jake, whilst I sit on dad's lap.

My mom and dad look so young. So do I and my little brother. 

Because we all were. Young....

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