Friday, February 28, 2025

Another Family Photo Mystery From Nephew Jason

The photo you see here arrived last night in my incoming email, sent by my Favorite Nephew Jason, who has been sending me photos, of late, which strain my memory trying to remember the details of what I am seeing in the photo.

The text from Jason accompanying the photo...

Being the custodian of records of my father's one fifth of the family visual records, I believe I have stumbled on perhaps the last known picture of the Jack Slotemaker Jones family together in their formal wear.

Do you know why the back of the photo had the date of October 4, 1970 written on it with each child's respective age?  If it helps you recollect the answer, the internet tells me that it was a Sunday.

I don't know the answer, but have a guess...Was Michele baptized that day? That does look like a piano bench that you and brother Jake are sitting on. Churches often have piano benches.

I could text this to my father, who of late has proven to have a better memory than my elderly Texas uncle.  But you tend to tell the story a little better.

And PS - Has anyone ever told you how much you look like your father?    

Yes, I have had it mentioned, a time or two, that I look like my dad.

In the photo, in the back row, that is my dad, Jack, on the left, with mom, Shirley, holding little baby sister, Michele, next to big sister, Nancy. In front of the back row, we have middle sister, Jackie, with big brother, me, sitting next to little brother, Jake, on that aforementioned bench.

I have no recollection of Michele getting baptized. Nor do I have any recollection of this photo being taken, or who the photographer was.

Regarding Jason suggesting this photo being the last known picture of the Jack Slotemaker Jones family together in their formal wear, I must point out that this suggestion is erroneous.

The last known such photo was taken on my birthdate, August 11, 2001, one month before that date which will live in infamy, 9/11. On that August 11 of that year, I had driven, solo, from Texas to Washington, to arrive unexpected at my mom and dad's 50th Wedding Anniversary party, held on Saturday, August 11, because their actual anniversary was five days prior, a weekday, and thus not a convenient party day.

Now, in this actual last known family photo we are not in 20th century style formal wear, we are in 21st century style formal wear.

In the back row, on the left, that would be me, next to brother Jake, sisters Nancy, Jackie and Michele, with dad, mom and grandma Vera, sitting in front of us.

Due to, uh, scheduling conflicts, nephews Jason and Joey did not attend this party, which may be why Jason has no memory of this final formal family photo.

Mom and dad's two youngest grandchildren, nephews Christopher and Jeremy, did attend this party. Why they are not in this final formal family photo, I do not remember.

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