Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Remembering The Dallas Farmers Market With Mom & Dad

 Microsoft OneDrive Memory from this Day, in my email, this morning, where I do remember both the location and the date, well, the month.

That is my mom, looking perplexed, in the Dallas Farmers Market

Mom and dad visited Texas twice whilst I have been residing in Texas. The first time, a month after 9/11, in October of 2001.

Mom and dad's second visit to Texas was in January of 2009.

I remember mom and dad enjoyed the Dallas Farmers Market on that first visit. It was festooned in pumpkins for Halloween. Mom and dad were a bit bored with the visit to the Dealey Plaza Book Depository, but perked way up at the Dallas Farmers Market.

I think the above photo was from the January 2009 Dallas Farmers Market visit.

Is the market that busy in January? I know in 2009 I drove mom and dad onto the Dallas Fair Park grounds for a close up look at the Cotton Bowl. Fair Park is fairly close to the Dallas Farmers Market.

That 2009 visit from mom and dad seems so recent in my memory. But, it was 15 years ago...

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