Monday, September 2, 2024

Labor Day Hike To Mount Wichita Summit Swallowing Flies

With the outer world chilled into the upper 70s, with a strong wind blowing, but with the humidity high, I ventured to Lake Wichita Park on this Labor Day of 2024 to join the throngs enjoying the welcome chill and thick cloud cover, with that cloud cover predicted to drop some rain and send down some lightning bolts.

But, so far, no drippage and thunder clapping.

That view above is looking east towards the Mount Wichita pseudo volcano, from the new section of the Circle Trail.

It has been many a month since I have hiked myself all the way to the summit of Mount Wichita. And, so, I decided to do so today.

The view from the summit of Mount Wichita, looking southwest across Lake Wichita.

That gray pavement you see in the middle of the photo is the Veterans Memorial which was not there the last time I hiked my way to this mountain's summit.

I had an unpleasant thing happen as I neared Mount Wichita's summit. A fly flew into my open mouth. I do not recollect such a thing happening previously. It was a bit unsettling. Eventually either the fly died, or I managed to cough him out of my throat.

I suspect my outdoor activity is going to be amping up this month, with the long HOT summer starting to fade.

Soon, I suspect, I shall be hunting for wherever it is I stored my sweatpants...

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