Saturday, June 22, 2024

Tomorrow We Begin Being Heated Above 100 Degrees Day After Day After Day

Starting tomorrow, the day known as Sunday, the temperature is scheduled to hit the century mark at my location, and then continue getting HOTTER day after day after day, til reaching 106 on the first Friday of July.

I was only able to screen cap four day's worth of 100 degree plus temperature predictions, given you a good sampling of our HOT forecast.

In addition to the temperature the forecast also warns of the danger of dehydration and heatstroke.

I was in no danger of either of those particular calamities due to being out in the HEAT today.

My exposure was limited to the distance between my front door and my vehicle's entry door, and then exiting that door to quickly walk into the air-conditioned comfort of Walmart, where I walked my 32 Google Fit minutes.

I am hoping the high heat kills off the population of biting bugs. I am ready for the bug bite nightmare to come to an end...

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