Thursday, May 30, 2024

Faulty Family Reunion Memory

Yesterday's email included one of those Microsoft OneDrive Memories from this Day, that I do not remember.

I knew this photo had to be on my computer for it to end up on Microsoft's cloud. This morning I found the photo file and saw it was named "Reunion76". 

Indicating, it would seem, that this reunion took place in 1976.

After seeing this photo, yesterday, I emailed it to my little sister, the sibling with the best memory. She identified one person as possibly being herself. The only ones in the photo I sort of recognized were Grandma Slotemaker, Uncle Mel and Aunt Judy.

This morning it was speculated that the one holding a baby is Aunt Jane, holding baby Amy. Aunt Jane, Uncle Mooch, the now grown up Amy and son Quan, currently in the Boston area, will be in Washington in a few weeks.

My little sister thinks one of those in the photo looks like me. I don't think so. I don't think I was at this reunion.

Methinks the only entities still on this mortal coil who might remember this reunion are the aforementioned Aunt Judy, Aunt Jane, and maybe, Uncle Mooch.

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