Friday, May 31, 2024

Another Dark Stormy Night Followed By Lush Lucy Park Jungle Walk

A strong storm last night, in the middle of the night, dropped a lot of water, along with close, loud, lightning strikes.

Power was knocked out for a short duration.

By morning the sky was back being bright blue.

With the outer world temperature in the pleasant 70s, it was to Lucy Park I ventured for some salubrious endorphin acquisition via fast walking.

As you can see via the view looking across the Lucy Park suspension bridge, the Wichita River is running much higher than its norm, almost reaching the bridge deck.

All the rain has the Lucy Park jungle looking particularly lush this Spring season.

I continue to be plagued by bug bites, despite anti-bug bite countermeasures. I was talking to a fellow Lucy Park walker today and he said he is being plagued this year by bug bites, and, like me, has been trying to thwart them with various counter measures.

We need a good solid over 100 degrees day after day heat wave to kill off all the biting bugs.

I hope that happens soon...

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