Thursday, February 8, 2024

Warm Thursday Walk Around Sikes Lake

I have been otherwise occupied the past couple days, housebound for the most part, even though the outer world temperature has been totally pleasant.

Including today.

With the temperature on this second Thursday of the second month of 2024 scheduled to get into the 70s.

So, it was to Sikes Lake I took a short drive this morning for a fast walk.

In the photo documentation you are on the bridge at the west end of the lake, looking east.

Few birds were flocking today. Usually, even after the mass murder of 383 geese, one still sees a lot of birds of various sorts, geese, duck, pelicans, herons and sea gulls.

Why are there sea gulls so far from the nearest sea, I think, when I see them, usually flocking together with the remaining geese...

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