Monday, February 5, 2024

Monday At Lake Wichita Park With Mount Wichita

It was to Lake Wichita Park I ventured on this first Monday of the second month of 2024.

Recent rain has raised the lake level a little, but the lake still needs a lot more water before the new dock, which was installed months ago, is able to finally float.

I think I have made mention previously of the fact that my location in Texas is extremely flat. No mountain range to be seen. In the above view you are looking west across the west end of Lake Wichita. That non-floating dock is visible on the right.

At the location where I was standing when taking the above photo, I could make a 180 degree turn to see the only thing that comes even remotely close to being a mountain, for many miles in any direction.

And there is is. Mount Wichita. Also known as Murphy's Hill. Looking at this "mountain" one might think a PLEASE USE CAUTION WHEN CLIMBING HILL warning would not really be needed.

Well. Mount Wichita might not look like it presents any real danger. But, it is way steeper than it looks.

One must tread carefully both going up, and especially going down. It is extremely easy to trip on the eroded ruts.

I rarely make my way to the Mount Wichita summit anymore, due to not wanting to experience twisting an ankle, or worse...

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