Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Shadow Of The Thin Man Joining Throngs Walking Around Sikes Lake In HOT Heat Wave

We are about a month from the arrival of 2024's version of Spring.

A month to go of Winter.

And today, on the third Wednesday of the second month of the new year, the North Texas heat wave continues.

On Saturday I got way too cold at Lucy Park.

Today, in shorts and t-shirt I joined the throngs walking around Sikes Lake enjoying the Summer-like day, heated into the 80s.

I forgot to mention, that is the Shadow of the Sikes Lake Thin Man you see above, looking like he is the One-Armed Thin Man.

I went bike shopping yesterday. There is a new type mountain bike, with extra fat tires. I think I would like a mountain bike with extra fat tires...

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