Monday, February 19, 2024

President's Day Walking With The Sikes Lake Birds

The unwanted, unexpected short return of Winter, the past couple days, with sub-freezing temperatures, and strong wind, has abated, rendering the outer world once again pleasant, and Spring-like.

Summer-like is predicted to return in a couple days, with the temperature in the 80s.

So it was to nearby Sikes Lake I ventured today, for a salubrious walk around the lake. When I came to the coffer dam, you see above, several dozen seagulls were flocking together, next to several dozen geese, flocking together.

By the time I got my phone out of my pocket and the camera turned on, the birds panicked and took to the air.

The seagulls flew north, the geese flew south. Both flocks did not fly far before landing on the lake. And then quickly returned to their coffer dam roost as I continued walking.

Time flying quickly by seems to be picking up speed. We are already in the last full week of the second month of 2024.

Soon it will be the swimming suit time of the year. I need to get in shape so I can fit into my various swimming suits.

I hope everyone is having a mighty fine fun President's Day, it being one of the most festive holidays of the year...

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