Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Microsoft OneDrive Takes Me To A Cool Pool With Uncle Mel, Dad & Grandma

Microsoft OneDrive Memories from the Day, that I do not remember happening on this day, arrived in my email a few minutes ago.

The first memory, that one you see above, I took with my long gone Casio digital camera. That camera had a unique reverse the lens feature that allowed for taking what we now call selfies, nowadays taken with ones phone. 

But those selfie type phones had not yet come to be, early in this century, when the above "selfie" was taken. I know this photo was not a memory from January 17. Because I can see I am standing by the pool that existed at my first abode in Texas.

That pool was not heated. No way was I in that pool, or near it, shirtless, in January. 

Another photo in today's OneDrive memories is a tad poignant.

Uncle Mel, my dad, Jack, and Grandma Slotemaker.

I do not recognize where this photo was taken.

But, it likely was at a location in Lynden, a Dutch themed Washington town near the border with Canada...

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