Thursday, January 18, 2024

Green Free Lucy Park Walk With Icy River & Frozen Waterfall

This third Thursday of the new 2024 year I was back in Lucy Park for, I think, the first time this year.

With the temperature in the upper 40s, and little wind blowing, it made for a pleasant bout of communing with nature.

As you can see, what I used to refer to as the Lucy Park Backwoods Jungle, is now totally deprived of anything green, making for a forlorn looking barren landscape.

That is the Wichita River you see above, as it passes through the former Lucy Park Backwoods Jungle. The patch of white you see on both sides of the river is ice. 

That ice ought not last long, what with the temperature this afternoon getting into the 50s.

No, that is not frozen Wichita Falls you see above. The manmade Wichita Falls is a short walk from Lucy Park. When the temperature drops to near zero I assum Wichita Falls is turned off, thus not having the opportunity to freeze over.

The frozen waterfall you see above is Snoqualmie Falls, located a few miles east of Seattle. If you were a Twin Peaks fan, Snoqualmie Falls was the waterfall you saw on that TV shows opening credits.

If you visit the Snoqualmie Falls viewing lookout whilst the Snoqualmie River is in flood mode, Snoqualmie Falls is HUGE, spewing a big wall of mist and shaking the ground like an earthquake.

It is quite a thing to see. And feel...

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