Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Melancholy Memory From Long Ago

A few minutes ago, on Facebook, I read a posting from the fellow former Skagit Valley-ite, known as Madame McNutt, lamenting the passing of an aunt she held in high regard.

After that I checked email and found the daily Microsoft OneDrive Memory from this Day.

Today's photos look to be photos of various family reunions of various sizes.

I remember none of these, though I see myself in some of the photos, such as the one above.

That would be me, in the front, on the far right, standing in front of my dad, who looks to be holding my little sister, Jackie, who lately became a grandma for the first time. Standing next to me, wearing what looks like a MAGA hat, is my little brother, Jake. 

Behind Jake is our mom. I cannot tell what mom is holding, or who.

The next person in the lineup, the only one in shirt and tie, I think is Uncle Les, which would make that Cousin Scott, in a white shirt, in front of his dad. Behind Scott is his mom, Aunt Arlene. That may be Uncle Mooch, next to Aunt Arlene. I do not think Uncle Mooch had met Aunt Jane by this point in time.

Back to the front row, that looks to be my eldest sister, Nancy, on one of the rare occasions where Nancy is wearing a dress.

Next to Nancy, in orange pants is Cousin Scott's little sister, Cousin Linda. Cousin Linda has always been my favorite cousin.

I think that must be Aunt Judy I barely see behind Cousin Linda. I think that because next to the one I think to be Aunt Judy is Uncle Mel. Uncle Mel looks to be holding a baby. I would guess that baby to be Cousin Jeff.

Almost half of those in this photo are no longer with us. Mom, Dad, Aunt Arlene, Uncle Les, Cousin Scott and Uncle Mel.

Today's is a Melancholy Microsoft OneDrive Memory....

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