Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Grumpy Photo From My Haslet Hamlet Past

The photo you see here showed up in my email this Tuesday afternoon. Every day I get an email from Microsoft allegedly showing me a OneDrive Memory from this Day.

I have no clue what I am supposed to be remembering in the photo. 

But I do remember where this photo was taken, as in this was my living quarters at my first Texas location, that being a 10 acre ranch in a little hamlet called Haslet, a northern suburb of Fort Worth.

My quarters at this location consisted of a bedroom, a bathroom, a computer/TV room, a little kitchenette, and a big walk-in closet.

I am frequently told, by some, that I always look grumpy when photographed. That photo you see here would have been taken by my long gone Casio digital camera, with a rotating lens allowing for the taking of what are now known as selfies, which were a thing not yet invented when this photo was taken.

I spent most of my time at that first Texas location feeling grumpy, so this photo likely is reflecting my mood at that point in time.

Now, back to the present version of Tuesday, the 4th instance of this day in the first month of the new year of 2024.

Today started off with a thick fog of the sort I associate with being near an ocean. I don't know where a thick fog comes from in this ocean-less part of the planet. Rain has been dripping down all day.

So, I have not ventured into the outer world. I may do so later...

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