Monday, December 25, 2023

More Christmas Greetings From Arizona & Washington

More photos arrived on this Christmas day. Not via email. Via multiple phone text messages. 

Above, Kristin, Michele, Theo, Ruby, David, Jackie and Jack on in something called the Scottsdale Fashion Mall. Which, I guess, explains why they are all dressed so fashionably.

Earlier this Christmas day, in a blogging titled Merry Christmas Greetings From Arizona With Cousin Cade, I erroneously guessed where the Tacoma-ites were staying, and where they were desert exploring.

Well, they are not staying in a hotel in Scottsdale. They are staying at the Sheraton Wild Horse Pass Hotel in Chandler. And their desert exploring was not on South Mountain, but instead was at a location called Sabino Pass.

I also heard from my Skagit Valley nephews today. That would be my favorite Jason nephew and my favorite Joey nephew.

A couple photos from Joey. None from Jason.

But, Jason sent a lengthy word picture, also known as a text message. On Christmas Eve Jason went to brother Joey's house for what Jason says all thought the Christmas Eve dinner was the best any had had in a long time.

I have had multiple reports that Hank Frank's mom, Monique, is a real good cook.

Also at Joey's was Joey's mom, my favorite ex-sister-in-law, Cindy, her current husband, Asher, Hank Frank's grandpa, my little brother Jake. Apparently, Hank Frank had a lot of presents to open.

For reasons I have yet to learn, Spencer Jack, who is now 16, boycotted Christmas Eve.

Above, that is Hank Frank opening another present, or playing with one he already opened.

Grandma Cindy gave Hank Frank a wheelbarrow which he instantly liked a lot. Grandpa Jake gave Hank Frank a big rope with which a swing will be installed on one of Hank Frank's trees.

The above photo was among the ones Joey texted today. It is not a Christmas photo. It is a Thanksgiving photo.

Joey's in-laws, that being Monique's parental units, live on a ranch near Helena, Montana. Like his dad, Hank Frank is good to go on a long roadtrip, but, Joey and Monique have learned if they want a break from Hank Frank's chattering an ice cream cone will keep him silent for a few miles.

The Arizona Christmas is taking place at Cousin Cade's house, in Chandler, about three miles from Grandma Jackie and Grandpa Jack's house.

Meanwhile, in Texas, I had myself a relative-free Christmas with a Mexican food themed fiesta. The highlight of which was Tamale Pie Casserole, along with Chile Cheese Rellenos and Chicken Chimichangas...

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