Wednesday, December 27, 2023

More Christmas Fun From Arizona

I have been having myself a virtual Christmas visit to Arizona, of late.

This morning's email brought photo documentation of Christmas at Cade's house.  The first photo was taken in CJ, Carrisa's and Cade's backyard, I assume, since the text with the first three photos said "Christmas at CJ's."

That would be Cade's Uncle Jeremy on the left, next to Cade's Grandpa Jack, the Cade's mama, Carrisa, next to Cade's papa, CJ, with Cade's Grandma Jackie holding Cade, next to Cade's Cousin, Theo, Aunt Michele, Cousin David, Aunt Kristin with Cousin Ruby at the opposite side from Uncle Jeremy.

I do not know the name of the dog. And I did not know Jeremy has had a big growth spurt, rendering him way taller than everyone else.

I do know the name of the cat which Ruby is holding. That is Munchie. I have met Munchie a couple times.

 And here we have Grandma Jackie and Grandpa Jack, with Baby Cade.

Another group of photos arrived with the text saying, "Burger Making Fun with Uncle Jack".

Apparently, Uncle Jack needed a couple burger makers, likely because the holiday had him short staffed. Uncle Jack manages several dozen McDonald's in the Phoenix area.

My favorite of Uncle Jack's McDonald's is the one in Maricopa, where I have had many a fine time sampling various McDonald's items, with my favorite always being the Filet O' Fish.

Above it appears Theo and Ruby are preparing to deliver a tray to a customer's table, under Uncle Jack's watchful direction.

Above I am guessing we are seeing Theo and Ruby on a lunch break after serving who knows how many McDonald's customers.

All this McDonald's talk has me craving a Filet O' Fish and a Cheeseburger. And Fries.

I am enjoying my virtual visit to Arizona almost as much as being there...

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