Friday, November 17, 2023

Remembering Maxine & Me Hiking Up Mount Baker

The photo you see here showed up this morning in my email, a Microsoft OneDrive memory. Mostly I do not remember the OneDrive memories. 

But, today I did.

The other memories, were a bit embarrassing, including one of me and Linda Lou and Big Ed at a Toga Party.

The memory I am only slightly embarrassed to share, that which you see above, is Maxine and me frolicking our way to Mount Baker, starting at the Schreiber's Meadow trailhead.

This could not possibly have happened in November. By November snow would make the hike not doable. 

This was my first hike to Mount Baker, hiking as far up the volcano as possible, before it becomes mountain climbing, far up the mountain enough to smell the sulphur odor and see steam venting from the volcanoes crater.

Maxine had hiked the hike to Mount Baker, previously, so she was out trail guide. Miss Chris was also along for the hike and would have been who took the photo of me and Maxine.

This hike to Mount Baker happened sometime during the 1970s. I still had ridiculously long, curly brown hair, well before it turned gray.

I think the last time I hiked up Mount Baker was with nephew Joey. That would have been sometime in the early 1990s.

I can not help but wonder if I am ever going to hike up Mount Baker this century...

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