Saturday, November 18, 2023

Microsoft OneDrive Takes Me Back To The Broaster Cafe With Wendy, Beth & Urbs

Today saw another memory I remember, arriving in my email from Microsoft and its OneDrive daily memory, which rarely is from that day, way back when.

This photo was part of an advertisement in my high school senior annual. 

That would be in on the left, sitting next to Miss Wendy. On the other side of the table is Miss Beth, sitting next to the entity known as Urbs. I do not know why Urbs was cropped out of this photo.

I also do not know how this photo showed up on Microsoft's OneDrive.

In the photo we are looking at the Broaster Cafe menu. We were looking at the menu for photo purposes, we did not order anything from the menu.

The Broaster Cafe was a popular restaurant, known for its chicken.

I think the Broaster Cafe is long gone, with the Mexico Cafe taking over its space, in West Mount Vernon.

It is disconcerting to see a photo of myself from back when I still had a mop of not gray hair... 

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