Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Hours Of Rain Brings Areal Flooding To Wichita Falls

The weather forecaster's forecast arrived as forecast, but, so far, without the thunderstorm part of the forecast.

I began hearing the pitter patter of raindrops around three in the morning. The pitter pattering has continued ever since.

My abode is currently in surrounded by a moat mode. 

I think I may be able to make it to my vehicle without using the inflatable kayak.

The wet look above is via my kitchen window, coming up on 9 in the morning.

The National Weather Service issued an Areal Flood Warning through tomorrow.

I finally got around to looking up what Areal means. Well. It is the adjective form of area. So, all Areal Flood Warning means is a large area might experience flooding.

So, I am experiencing some Areal Flooding in the form of that aforementioned moat...

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