Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Day Two Raining Hard In Wichita Falls Necessitates Umbrella Search

Second day in a row with the morning view from my kitchen window being a look out at a raging downpour. Even though thunderstorming has been in the forecast the past three days I have not seen a single bolt of lightning or hear a single thunder clap.

I was planning on driving to the library this morning.

But, that may be contingent on locating where my umbrella is currently hiding.

With the rain pouring down at its current copious rate, one gets totally soaked in less than a minute. I do not like getting soaked.

The warm temperature and all this rain has amped up the humidity. Which has necessitated a return to running the A/C.

The downpour has let up a bit. Maybe I won't need to locate an umbrella...

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