Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Sikes Lake Carpeted With Yellow Flowers & Ducks

It was back to Sikes Lake I ventured today, on the final Wednesday of September of 2023. The recent few drips of rain apparently were enough precipitation to cause a carpet of yellow flowers to blanket large sections of the Sikes Lake landscape.

I saw no geese today. Prior to the extermination of almost 400 Sikes Lake geese I think the goose flock kept the Sikes Lake landscape under control, what with those birds eating, almost non-stop.

I'm sure these yellow flowers would have been a tasty delicacy for the geese.

Meanwhile, the Sikes Lake duck flock seems to be rapidly expanding. Compared to the geese, the ducks are slackers. Such as what you see above, the flock of ducks lounging in the shade, instead of chomping on grass and flowers.

As you see, it is another clear, blue sky day at my North Texas location. With the temperature high today predicted to be near 100 degrees. 

I am ready for Summer to realize it is now Fall...

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