Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Down Memory Lane With Siblings & The Fort Worth Herd

This morning's Microsoft OneDrive memories are what you are seeing here. I don't quite know where Microsoft is finding these photos. 

In the big photo you are seeing me and all but one of my siblings.

The youngest sibling had not yet arrived on the planet.

That would be my little brother, Jake, on the left, sister Jackie next to Jake, me next to Jackie, and sister Nancy next to me, in one of the rare photo documentations of Nancy in a dress.

Today is brother Jake's and Hank Frank's happy birthday.

To the right of the photo of me and my siblings the first three photos are from the first time mom and dad visited me in Texas. October of 2001. A month after the notorious date of 9/11.

In those three photos we are at Riscky's BBQ in the Fort Worth Stockyards.

In the middle photo that is mom, on the right, watching dad trying to take a photo of the Fort Worth herd of longhorns and cowboys passing by.

I think the memory at the bottom right is a look at the Wichita River, viewed from the Wichita Bluffs.

And that concludes our journey down memory lane for the day....

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