Saturday, August 12, 2023

Hot Walk Around Sikes Lake With Few Geese Along With Goose Murder Protesters


I did not overheat during yesterday's walk in Lucy Park. Clouds were blocking most of the sun's rays.

So, today, the day known as Saturday, the second such day of August, I decided to walk around Sikes Lake, even though there is little shade at that location, and the temperature was in the 100-degree range, with a strong wind blowing, making the air feel cooler than 100 degrees.

The air may have felt cooler than 100 degrees, but, unlike yesterday, today I overheated, ending up being a sweaty mess by the time I got back to the air-conditioned comfort of my mechanized means of motion.

Tomorrow I think my walking will once again take place in Walmart.

The walk around Sikes Lake is noticeably different since the mass extermination of 343 geese, about a month ago.

The remaining Sikes Lake birds, even though being birds of different feathers, seem to be flocking together, sharing one of the few shady locations around Sikes Lake.

Even though the mass murder of the Sikes Lake was several weeks ago, the Goose Murder Protesters are still protesting. By the time I exited the Sikes Lake parking lot about a dozen protesters were waving Goose Murder protest signs, standing in the shade on the south side of Midwestern Boulevard.

I have yet to learn what the goal is of the Goose Murder Protesters. Do they want to see someone charged with Goosicide? Or what?

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