Monday, August 14, 2023

Cool August Windfall Walk Through Lucy Park Backwoods Jungle

For the first time in many days we are not going to be heated to over 100 on this 14th day of August. 

89 degrees is the predicted high for today. With a strong wind blowing, making the air feel cooler than the low 80s temperature I enjoyed at Lucy Park this morning.

Some of last Thursday's blown over trees have been cleared off the Circle Trail. Today I walked the Lucy Park backwoods jungle, where none of the windfalls have been removed. This made for some challenging obstacles, navigating around the fallen debris, through tall grass, keeping a sharp lookout for snakes slithering in the grass.

I saw nothing slither today. But, I was attacked, repeatedly by jumping grasshoppers. 

Time seems to be flying by ever faster. We are already over half way through summer. I am ready for summer to come to a merciful end...

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