Tuesday, August 1, 2023

August Air-Conditioned Walmart Walking With Alligator Nuggets

On this first day of August, the outer world at my location was 100 degrees by 11 this morning, heading towards a high today of 111.

I opted for the air-conditioned comfort of Walmart today for salubrious endorphin inducing aerobic stimulation. That, and since the walking was in Walmart, a lot of anthropological observing.

I do not think I ever go to a local Walmart without more than once thinking to myself, does that person not have a mirror? That, and why would that person get a tattoo on that location on that super plus-sized body? And expose it to the world?

Last time in Walmart I came upon a product I'd not seen before, and blogged about it in Cracker Jill Woke Up In Walmart.

Today, at Walmart, in the frozen seafood area, well, actually, the frozen seafood, frozen reptile and frozen amphibian area, next to the frozen Frog Legs I saw that which you see above.

Alligator Nuggets and Filet of Alligator.

Is this reptilian product available only in Southern Walmarts?

I would be surprised if Alligator Nuggets and Filet of Alligator is available at the Walmart in my old home zone of the Skagit Valley.

But, who knows?

Maybe there are a lot of people all over the country with a hankering for alligator...

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