Wednesday, July 19, 2023

The Portugal Circus Comes To A Wichita Falls Mall Parking Lot

A couple days ago, driving by the Sikes Senter Mall, I made note of some odd structures being constructed on the mall's east side parking lot, by Maplewood Drive. Yesterday, driving by, I saw that the odd structures were something called the Portugal Circus. Actually, upon closer perusal, the name appears to be DO Portugal Circus.

A circus from Portugal? On a Texas parking lot? In Summer? At over 100 degrees?

Today, after my regularly scheduled walk, currently taking place in Walmart, due to the extreme heat, I drove onto the Sikes Senter mall's parking lot for photo taking purposes.

I saw a sign saying the next show is tomorrow, Thursday, starting at 7:30 pm.

The temperature should still be a bit HOT in tomorrow's early evening. 

Where are the animals being housed for this circus? I assume there are animals involved. Doesn't a circus usually have an elephant, some lions, maybe a tiger or two?

I have seen no mention made of this circus coming to town in this town's rather pitiful newspaper, the Wichita Falls Times News Record. Nor have I heard any mention make of the Portugal Circus whilst listening to local radio.

One thing I do know, for sure, there is no way I am going to a circus on a Texas parking lot during an extreme heat wave...

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