Friday, July 21, 2023

Chill In The Air Takes Me Back To Lucy Park With Grasshoppers

We are having a brief break from the outer world being heated to over 100 degrees. So, today it was not to the air-conditioned comfort of Walmart I ventured for some high speed walking, it was back to Lucy Park I drove.

After day after day after day being heated over 100 degrees, being outside with the temperature only in the 80s, with a strong wind blowing, it felt relatively chilly.

Tomorrow is scheduled to be even chillier. And then on Sunday we are back in the HOT frying pan.

I have zero clue what type flowers the yellow blooms are, you see above. Lucy Park has a lot of flowers blooming.

With the temperature almost chilly I figured cold blooded slithering things would not be moving too fast.

So, I hiked the Lucy Park backwoods jungle today. I saw no snakes. But did see a lot of grasshoppers. 

Grasshoppers are annoying. But, not as annoying as the crickets that have somehow been invading my interior space.

A couple days ago I made mention of a circus arriving in town, in a blog post titled The Portugal Circus Comes To A Wichita Falls Mall Parking Lot.

In that blog post I made mention of the fact that I'd heard nothing of this circus via local media, not in print, on TV, online or the radio. 

I also made mention of the fact that it seemed like it would be unlikely this circus would have elephants, lions, tigers and bear, or other critters on associates with a circus. 

Well, this morning I heard a radio advertisement for the Portugal Circus. No mention was made of any critters. Just some mention of circus acts, and I think clowns. And that admission is free for those 2 years old and younger.

I can't imagine many toddlers waddle up to the admission gate to get in free....

1 comment:

  1. Look a little closer at the circus pic you posted and you will notice that the sign says the Do Portugal Circus which is from Mexico.

    The Do Portugal Circus makes me think of the Portuguese Washer Woman song which is on the Confess, Fletch soundtrack. Portuguese Washer Woman sung by Astrud Gilberto and featuring Walter Wanderly on the Hammond B3 will get you in the mood for a Bossa Nova weekend.

