Sunday, July 2, 2023

Hot Sunday Under The Blue Sky Above The Lucy Park Pagoda Remains

With the temperature a relatively cool 90 degree, with humidity and a little wind making those 90 degrees really feel like 93 degrees, it was back to the shade of Lucy Park I ventured on this first Sunday of July.

Which would make that the ruins of the Lucy Park Pagoda you here. Inside the remains of the Pagoda, looking up at the clear blue sky

It has been a few months since the Lucy Park Pagoda went up in flames. Methinks the metal remains need to be painted with a rust-proof paint, in a pleasing color, before Mother Nature oxidizes that which remains.

My usual Lucy Park parking location by the log cabin was full today. Not due to anything going on at the log cabin, but instead due to the fact that the Lucy Park swimming pool, located on the opposite side of the parking lot from the log cabin, is now open, with a lot of screaming kids getting wet and shouting Marco Polo over and over again.

The current temperature predicted for the 4th of July is a high of 99 degrees. The 4th of July parade starts at 9 am. The air should be way cooler than 99 degrees at that point in time. And my parade viewing location is under the shade provided by a tall building. 

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