Friday, June 30, 2023

Shady Lucy Park With Geese Mass Murder Protestors AT MSU

The temperature in the outer world was cold enough this morning to motivate me to drive to Lucy Park for some shady high speed walking. On the way to Lucy Park, on Taft Boulevard, on the Midwestern State University campus, I saw the lady you see above, protesting the mass murder of 343 Sikes Lake geese.

On the way back from Lucy Park I slowed up when I came upon the protesting lady, hoping to take a picture, and read what the sign said.


I added the much needed apostrophe to CANT.

I recognized this lady. I have made mention of her, previously, as recently as a week ago in More Details About The Mass Murder Of Sikes Lake Geese.

When I saw the Goose Extermination Protestor on the way to Lucy Park she was protesting solo. When I saw her on the way back from Lucy Park she had been joined by another protestor. A bearded man holding a sign. I did not get a photo of him, nor do I remember what his sign precisely said, but I do remember the phrase, "GEESE MURDER" was part of it.

Now, on to shady Lucy Park.

The Lucy Park suspension bridge over the Wichita River was looking hot today. The temperature when I arrived at Lucy Park was 93, with a strong wind blowing, but the humidity supposedly making those 93 degrees really feel like 99.

I did not overheat.

But, by the end of the walking I was no longer wearing a shirt.

As you can see, the Lucy Park trees provide a nice cover of shade. The temperature is pleasantly cooler under the shade.

Lucy Park is the only one of my various walking locations which provides a lot of shade.

Tomorrow a cold front arrives, with the temperature scheduled not to go over 100, instead only heating into the 90s.

I am hoping Tuesday is another semi-cool day, so I can comfortably go to the 4th of July parade in downtown Wichita Falls. This parade was cancelled a couple years due to COVID. It is a fun parade....

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