Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Linda Lou Library Recommendations Before Lucy Park Jungle Trek

Today was a books due day, so it was to downtown Wichita Falls I ventured this morning, to spend a few minutes in the library returning books and acquiring new reading material. 

Linda Lou had recommended three books by three different authors. I could find only one of the authors, Rachel Joyce, but not the recommended title of The Unlikely Pilgrimage. Instead, I got a Rachel Joyce novel titled Perfect.

Since it was nearby, after the library, it was on the Lucy Park where I opted to speed walk the Lucy Park backwoods, which, as you can see, is rapidly returning to lush jungle mode.

The temperature was in the 70s, still a bit cool for slithering snakes to give chase, but, even so, I kept a wary eye on the lookout for anything slithering.

The biggest snake I have seen since being in Texas was seen in the Lucy Park backwoods zone, several years ago. 

I do not like snakes. Never have, never will...

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