Thursday, April 13, 2023

99 Degrees With Unexpected Surprise From Amazon

 Yesterday I mentioned going to the library with several books recommended by Linda Lou on my list of what books I hoped to check out.

I blogged about this in Linda Lou Library Recommendations Before Lucy Park Jungle Trek

Of the three authors I could find only one, Rachel Joyce, but not the book of Rachel Joyce which Linda Lou had recommended. So, I checked out a Rachel Joyce novel titled Perfect.

Around four this afternoon of April 13 I set out to go to Walmart to get onions, jicama and mixed greens. When I got in my vehicle and looked at the temperature reading in the rear view mirror, I was surprised. I knew it was hot, but not 99 degrees HOT.

Methinks we are in for a scorcher of a summer.

It is a tad difficult to make out the 99 degrees on the right side of the rear view mirror.

When I returned from Walmart I went to check the mailbox. I found a package from Amazon. I ordered something from Amazon last Friday. It arrived a day later. Fastest Amazon delivery yet.

So, I had no idea what I was going to find in this package from Amazon, til I opened it to see it was the Rachel Joyce book title Linda Lou had recommended, The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry.

Had Linda Lou read yesterday's blogging about my futile book search and proceeded to have a copy sent to me by Amazon, with it again being delivered the next day?

I don't know. I suspect I will soon find out the answer though...

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