Wednesday, March 22, 2023

With The Virginian Pondering Hot Springs Pot & Port Townsend


There has been some discussion, of late, regarding traveling to the Pacific Northwest this coming summer.

COVID put a stop to doing so during the past couple summers. I have not been in Washington since August of 2017.

There is a big birthday party planned at a location on the Skagit Flats, in July. 

I have been communicating with another Washingtonian, currently exiled, like me, to another state, specifically, Virginia, whilst I am exiled in Texas.

The Virginian has been trying to convince me to make it to that aforementioned birthday party. 

We both live in repressive states where marijuana is pretty much illegal. Unlike freedom loving Washington, and the rest of the west coast, including Alaska, where marijuana has been decriminalized, particularly progressive, non-repressive Washington, where it has been decriminalized for years.

So, the Virginian has been wanting to try a thing or two or three she has not previously tried. One being marijuana, another being skinny dipping in Baker Hot Springs. I forget number three. Maybe floating the ferry to Port Townsend. 

Marijuana was legal when I was in Washington in 2017. But, I saw no stores selling it. The surprise that visit was it was my first return to Washington after the voters voted to take the state out of the liquor selling business. So, I was a bit surprised to go in the Lynden Safeway to see a couple aisles devoted to products like vodka and whiskey. When I was a kid Lynden made it illegal to sell any type booze inside the city limits.

How come Washington, and some other states, have on the ballot things like initiatives, propositions and referendums, letting the voters vote on things like legalizing marijuana or taking the state out of the liquor selling business?

Voting in Texas is so BORING due to there being few things of the initiative, proposition, referendum sort to vote on, letting voters approve of this that or the other thing.

Anyway, regarding pot selling stores in Washington. I Googled "pot selling stores in Washington" to find there are a lot of them.

My old hometown of Burlington, has one, called Western Bud, part of a pot selling franchise with multiple outlets. Western Bud sells a variety of pot products, including cannabis chocolate chip cookies.

So, I've got the pot problem solved for the Virginian. Port Townsend is easy. Just walk on the ferry.

But, it has been a lot of years since I have been to Baker Hot Springs, consequently I have no memory of how to get there, other than take the exit off Highway 20 to Baker Dam, but the multiple junctions taking one to Baker Hot Springs, that is a blank in my memory....

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