Friday, March 24, 2023

Lucy Park Dry After Last Night's Thunderstorm Downpour

It was back to Lucy Park I ventured on the morning of the next to last Friday of the 2023 version of March.

In the photo documentation you are with me on the middle of the Lucy Park suspension bridge, looking north at the muddy Wichita River.

At one point in the middle of the night, last night, a blast of wind was followed by a loud downpour, followed by thunder booms. 

A lot of water fell in a short time frame, but in sufficient volume that by morning the moat around my abode, which happens after a lot of rain, was the biggest I have ever seen the moat be.

When the moat happens a temporary detour is in place making it possible to get to the carport.

After last night's deluge I thought the Wichita River might be in flood mode. When that happens Lucy Park goes under water. I've only seen that happen twice. But, today the river was nowhere near flood level.

And after a couple days of getting warmed into the 80s, we are back in being chilly mode, on the 50s...

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