Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Sikes Lake Prickly Pear Cactus On Chilly Walkabout

Sikes Lake was my go to location for a long walk this chilly Tuesday morning, a day before the Ides of March.

Chilly, in that the temperature was in the mid 40s.

Meanwhile, this morning I got snow reports from two unlikely locations.

That little darling, known as Miss Tessie, located in the Redding, California area, had enough snow on the ground to make her leery of trying to drive anywhere.

And that bigger darling, known as Madame McNutty, had snow falling, but not sticking at her location in Appomattox, Virginia.

I might get some rain at my location, today, but no chance of snow.

I forgot to mention, that is a patch of Sikes Lake Prickly Pear Cactus you see photo documented above.

Prickly Pear Cactus, in the Spring, produce a flower that turns into an edible fruit-like product. People make various edible items from Prickly Pears.

I have had Prickly Pear jam and Prickly Pear syrup. Terribly sweet with no noteworthy flavor.

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